Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Leniency for Food

After talking about the 20% leniency with percentages of what we're getting out of our daily foods makes me think of what else we allow.  I remember learning in one of my classes last year about milk and meat.
Milk has a puss count, a certain amount of puss is allowed to be processed through with milk.  Even though the milk is pasteurized, I don't think many people would enjoy the thought that puss is being processed through for us to drink.
Another thing I learned was that meat has a hair allowance.  The meat we eat is allowed to have a certain amount of hair processed through.  Supposedly hair is not digestible, so why are we allowed to eat it?  This I feel is a little worse than the puss count, because puss, to me, is like yogurt bacteria and we eat that with no problems.  However, knowing that I am 'allowed' to eat meat makes me think.  I just don't get how it's allowed, even though it's a small amount it is still a little disturbing to think about..  Ignorance is bliss.

What other allowances in food/drug are out there that people might not want to know about?

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