Sunday, March 27, 2011

Overspending American

From watching the movie in class about Americans and overspending, it's ridiculous to think how much debt people accumulate.  We heard in the movie that whatever people say for the amount for which they are in debt, it's usually double that.  One man said he was in a debt of $40,000, which could mean that he is actually in debt up to $80,000.  It's amazing that someone could let their debt get that bad.  I hate having debt over my head.  I paid off a $3,000 loan the year after I left Johnson and Wales just because I'd prefer to pay the bulk and not let interest hurt me.
Also, the fact that everyone wants to live like their neighbors.  I agree, I want my neighborhood to look nice, but I do not plan to copy anyone around me.  I feel that proper living is essential.  I don't think that having a huge house and super expensive car; especially if the money isn't present to do so.  I would love to live extravagantly and worry-free, however, I know that this style of living will only come after either the best of luck or careful planning and preparation.
The fact that this overspending is hurting each household separately, but also effecting us all globally is amazing.  We overwork to over spend and then we over waste the things we don't want anymore.  Also, in hearing that we work 9weeks more than Europeans, I see that my decision to move overseas after school is possibly a real good decision.  I know America is the "promise land" for some, but after seeing this video, I see that America is the "promise for over priced land."

Do you think the people accumulating so much debt don't have a real grip on reality or they know the seriousness of what they are doing to themselves and the environment?

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