When I was younger, there was a brand of skateboard called, "Hook-Ups." The pictures on the board were images of slutty girls, in skimpy outfits doing something either resembling sex or drugs or both. When looking at skate catalogs all of my friends would always say how they wanted this board or that board depending on how hot the girls image was. Even though they are cartoons it never stopped my friends. I'll admit, I enjoyed them too, but never felt the urge to get obsessed over the board like others. I always felt, it's a skateboard and it'll end up scratched and destroyed (where the picture is) from all the skating I do. This company has since dropped off the market. I feel that there trademark "sex/drug skategirls" did not really help in sales because of the need for parental consent to order offline, or even have the money to buy the board.
I feel many mothers would have reacted like mine in saying, "that is just wrong, why would you want that board."
I feel now that these boards are perverted and that hook ups needed/needs to find a new way to sell without the "sex sells" mentality.
Do you think that too much sex (for the mentality sex sells) can end up being a bad thing?
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