It's so nice to be done with classes for my junior year. People always enjoy the weeks leading up to summer, but how much better is it to know when youre done with finals, that you passed all your classes and have a job set to help you be prepared for the expenses of classes for the following year. Summer brings so many thoughts into mind, who you can visit, where to go on vacation, and how much you will need to save and be able to spend so you are prepared for the next years expenses. Hope everyone has a great summer!
What are you doing this summer?
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Social Sites
It's crazy to look at our society, everything seems to come from social networking sites like myspace and facebook. While I was coaching in Scotland, my team and I were introduced to "Bebo" a site much like our facebook or myspace. After being introduced to this we showed everyone facebook. It was crazy to see that facebook caught on so quickly with our friends in Scotland. I go on my bebo now and no one has any activity for months, but then switch to facebook and I can talk to my friends from Australia, England, Scotland, Ireland and Italy. Its just amazing to see how much these sites have grown and how our society relies on them.
What will be the new way to interact with friends and make connections?
What will be the new way to interact with friends and make connections?
Response to Kayle/Abby
In looking at the new facebook page, I agree that I feel its a great new way for facebook to present itself and help people advertise and show their ideas with little problems. Facebook has grown so much just as a normal site that this new site can definitely bring about new facets for the website to grow.
In response to Erik/Dan's Post
I have seen the sun drop commercial many times and find it very annoying. No offense to the girl in the commercial, but how they perceive "dropping" it, just makes me not want the soda. I don't drink soda much but this commercial just pushed me even more in the healthy way of drinking (water). I feel the commercial is not literal and is just ridiculous that a soda would make someone act that much like an idiot.
Monday, April 18, 2011
How fast is too fast?
We are living in the age of fast technology. Our computers have gone from full room operating systems to hand held smart phones. Even though we are spoiled to the fullest by our technology, we still complain about the slightest mishap. My phone just froze (a total of a minute to fix), and we freak out and want to get a new phone. If general lee saw this, he'd probably have a stroke. Yes, camera's and telegraph's were happening back then but now we can be connected to Japan within a few seconds by phone, internet, skype, etc. In revolutionary times, it was horse and boat travel. I feel people had more patience back then but now because we are used to having "the world at our fingertips," we expect no problems. I realized how patience is a virtue, my laptop takes about 10minutes to load up and be ready to use.. I now have to find 10 minutes of filler time just so I don't go crazy waiting. How will people make things faster, do you feel we are reaching the climax of our technology speed??
Sunday, April 17, 2011
In response to kayle's blog
I feel that they are making a big step in trying to define their target market.. but I feel that anyone can relate to the "inner child" idea.. My dad is 62, and he still acts like me, and that's saying something cause I still act 12. In relating a car to an inner child we can say that cars are fun to drive but blacks, whites, asians, etc can all think that driving is fun. If they want to better target the black women market they should relate to something that they have as one not that all of us have as a human race..
what do you think would be a better way to target this group?
what do you think would be a better way to target this group?
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Reponse to Prof. K ($5 Footlong)
Over the few years of knowing about the $5 footlong, I have had different feelings of this promotion. I understand money needs to be made, but when you only offer certain sandwiches for $5, you are only targeting certain market groups. At one point you could only get a BLT for $5, however, I like turkey BLT's, just by adding turkey, I have to pay and extra $2/3. I like the idea of the $5 footlong, but I felt at the time, that we needed to have some survey done to see what people actually wanted. Since then, subway has allowed for different sandwiches to be purchased for $5. I know now that there is a meatball marinara, which always helps me when I'm short on cash and feigning for something.
Do think all subs should be offered as $5 footlongs, just a select few, or seasonal sandwiches allowed for $5??
Do think all subs should be offered as $5 footlongs, just a select few, or seasonal sandwiches allowed for $5??
Actually Store Pricing
In talking about pricing during class, I began to think back to all the stores I worked for. I thought, we pay so much for shoes, hats, shirts, accessories, etc. But do we really know how much these products costs for the retail store? When I worked for Finishline, I learned a lot about how much we make for certain products. A can of waterproofer sells for $5.00 in the store, however, each can costs .25 (cents). The boxes come in sets of 20 ($4.00/$100.00). Also the shoes we buy, usually sell for $80-130. Even with our employee discount (30%), the companies are still making $30-50 a shoe. I really feel that with the abundance of products and people wanting to purchase these products that our society could learn to drop prices on things and still make a profit and be happy.
Do you feel things are too overpriced?
Do you feel things are too overpriced?
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Response to Laurie
I have no seen an increase in the speed of my "fast-food." I feel I have actually seen a decrease (when I go to a fast food provider). I have had many times where I have sat 10+ minutes to receive a burger or two. One time, I placed an order, got to the window, received half my order and was told to pull forward because the other half was not ready yet. However, the people behind me, their order was ready. FIFO (first in first out), this is something I learned in retail, and the fast food industry says they comply with this, but I feel they don't go along with anything they say. They say real beef, but it's all knockoff and corn fed beef. The pace of the food is slow, even though it says fast, and some of the conditions of the stores are not anything close to clean. I rarely go to eat at wendys, mcds, or bk but when I do, I always seem to find something wrong. I feel that fast food is just another way of saying "food for the lazy people." No one seems to want to cook anymore, I love the home cooked meal, even though it's 'slow-food,' to me, its still "better-food."
Do you feel the fast food industry takes it's self serious, or just does what it has to to get by?
Do you feel the fast food industry takes it's self serious, or just does what it has to to get by?

When I was younger, there was a brand of skateboard called, "Hook-Ups." The pictures on the board were images of slutty girls, in skimpy outfits doing something either resembling sex or drugs or both. When looking at skate catalogs all of my friends would always say how they wanted this board or that board depending on how hot the girls image was. Even though they are cartoons it never stopped my friends. I'll admit, I enjoyed them too, but never felt the urge to get obsessed over the board like others. I always felt, it's a skateboard and it'll end up scratched and destroyed (where the picture is) from all the skating I do. This company has since dropped off the market. I feel that there trademark "sex/drug skategirls" did not really help in sales because of the need for parental consent to order offline, or even have the money to buy the board.
I feel many mothers would have reacted like mine in saying, "that is just wrong, why would you want that board."
I feel now that these boards are perverted and that hook ups needed/needs to find a new way to sell without the "sex sells" mentality.
Do you think that too much sex (for the mentality sex sells) can end up being a bad thing?
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Response to Aubrey's Post
Is marketing to blame for this increase in consumer spending and increase in personal debt? Or should we hold people accountable for their own decisions whether that is to spend their money or not?
I feel that the serious emphasis put into marketing strategies does have an effect on the spending that happens. However, people should be able to control themselves and their money without letting it get out of hand. We are taught as children in simple ways to have self-discipline. Single file lines in elementary school teaches us to cooperate with others and not cram together in a big mass but to be proper and respect personal bubbles. This may not have relevance to spending but it's one way that we see personal development in a human. People need to develop the ability to know what they want and need. I want a lot of things, however, in the end, I don't NEED it. I feel that if I have lived without it til now, then what's to not say I can live without it still. I feel that people should be accountable to for their own money. I feel that there should be more regulations for those in so much debt. Maybe more taxes for those over a certain amount of debt could be implemented. I never knew the American dream was to own so much debt that your children need to take on their parents debt problems.
Do you feel that people look at national debt more than personal debt or vis-versa?
I feel that the serious emphasis put into marketing strategies does have an effect on the spending that happens. However, people should be able to control themselves and their money without letting it get out of hand. We are taught as children in simple ways to have self-discipline. Single file lines in elementary school teaches us to cooperate with others and not cram together in a big mass but to be proper and respect personal bubbles. This may not have relevance to spending but it's one way that we see personal development in a human. People need to develop the ability to know what they want and need. I want a lot of things, however, in the end, I don't NEED it. I feel that if I have lived without it til now, then what's to not say I can live without it still. I feel that people should be accountable to for their own money. I feel that there should be more regulations for those in so much debt. Maybe more taxes for those over a certain amount of debt could be implemented. I never knew the American dream was to own so much debt that your children need to take on their parents debt problems.
Do you feel that people look at national debt more than personal debt or vis-versa?
Overspending American
From watching the movie in class about Americans and overspending, it's ridiculous to think how much debt people accumulate. We heard in the movie that whatever people say for the amount for which they are in debt, it's usually double that. One man said he was in a debt of $40,000, which could mean that he is actually in debt up to $80,000. It's amazing that someone could let their debt get that bad. I hate having debt over my head. I paid off a $3,000 loan the year after I left Johnson and Wales just because I'd prefer to pay the bulk and not let interest hurt me.
Also, the fact that everyone wants to live like their neighbors. I agree, I want my neighborhood to look nice, but I do not plan to copy anyone around me. I feel that proper living is essential. I don't think that having a huge house and super expensive car; especially if the money isn't present to do so. I would love to live extravagantly and worry-free, however, I know that this style of living will only come after either the best of luck or careful planning and preparation.
The fact that this overspending is hurting each household separately, but also effecting us all globally is amazing. We overwork to over spend and then we over waste the things we don't want anymore. Also, in hearing that we work 9weeks more than Europeans, I see that my decision to move overseas after school is possibly a real good decision. I know America is the "promise land" for some, but after seeing this video, I see that America is the "promise for over priced land."
Do you think the people accumulating so much debt don't have a real grip on reality or they know the seriousness of what they are doing to themselves and the environment?
Also, the fact that everyone wants to live like their neighbors. I agree, I want my neighborhood to look nice, but I do not plan to copy anyone around me. I feel that proper living is essential. I don't think that having a huge house and super expensive car; especially if the money isn't present to do so. I would love to live extravagantly and worry-free, however, I know that this style of living will only come after either the best of luck or careful planning and preparation.
The fact that this overspending is hurting each household separately, but also effecting us all globally is amazing. We overwork to over spend and then we over waste the things we don't want anymore. Also, in hearing that we work 9weeks more than Europeans, I see that my decision to move overseas after school is possibly a real good decision. I know America is the "promise land" for some, but after seeing this video, I see that America is the "promise for over priced land."
Do you think the people accumulating so much debt don't have a real grip on reality or they know the seriousness of what they are doing to themselves and the environment?
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Subliminal Messages
While watching 'Family Guy,' they have one part where they show a commercial for smoking. In the cartoon, the commercial is about a completely irrelevant topic, but every few seconds a guy flashes through the screen and says, "smoke." I know this is exaggerated but it still shows how simple things implied in an advertisement helps. I continued watching TV and saw a commercial for Guinness draught. Bill Walton (former player for the Celtics) is wearing an all green Guinness jump suit, with a Guinness in front of him and a Guinness glowing emblem in the background. It shows how much one image can impact a commercial. I feel that the message gets across but that there is so much emphasis placed on getting is out there that some commercial's may drown out the intended message. For example, a DQ commercial; their message is that there are new deals and treats for sale at DQ, but in the message the guy is playing a guitar that makes Dolphin sounds. So the message I got is that DQ is a joke, when I love the DQ ice cream. Having the correct message with the right content around it is the right way to get your needed information out. Over abundance of extra 'crap' can cause trouble in the re-uptake of the projected message.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
In Response to Paige/Nikki's Blog
I completely agree that we should use wind turbines.. They provide good energy for needed area's. My previous high school in Worcester, MA actually installed a wind turbine to provide energy to the school and help other electric needs. The turbine can be seen from 146 and 290. Also, look at the California fields. Those turbines provide so much energy it's ridiculous.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Comment: Marketing Through The Internet
I feel that the internet can be helpful in anyway possible, if the necessary precautions and right way of going about your actions is taken. Today is the day where really anything is possible. We have an internet database of people talking/sharing links/pictures/videos, that has become a symbol of our generation as well as a multimillion dollar company. The music industry definitely took a hit when napster, limewire, bearshare, etc. came out and made streaming and up/downloading of music so easy. I really think Mr. Vitone could capitalize on the use of the internet if he found the best path suited to fit his needs and ideas for his company..
Do you think Mr. Vitone should use something like Facebook or Myspace to get his word out, if not already done?
Do you think Mr. Vitone should use something like Facebook or Myspace to get his word out, if not already done?
Holiday Advertisements
While watching tv, I saw a commercial for creme eggs (the best candy for Easter). While watching I began to think of the marketing and advertisement strategies that are needed to power the economy. One thing that gets me every year about Holidays, is that we jump right from Halloween to Christmas for advertising purposes. There is no patience to get through the Thanksgiving season before starting the crazy Christmas shopping. I know there are no good Thanksgiving jams, like the thousands we have for Christmas, but we should still pay more respect to all of our Holidays. Thanksgiving is another time for building a strong family foundation, pushing into Christmas just adds to the idea that we all are material driven. I have always loved Thanksgiving; family, food and fun. I love the other holidays too but I feel like all the holidays should get their needed respects and time period(s).
Do you feel that any other Holidays are overlooked because of the presence or future presence of other holidays?
Do you feel that any other Holidays are overlooked because of the presence or future presence of other holidays?
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Role Models
In today's media, we (this generation) seem to be drawn to those who act a fool and demonstrate less than responsible ways of life. For example, Snookie, from "The Jersey Shore;" we watch her get drunk, yell, act in promiscuous ways, and act like a complete b*tch. We now have people that dress like her on Halloween and those who nickname themselves after her. These people viewing her as a role model, show how low the standards of some people have dropped. This show and many others encourage illegal activities and poor decision making/behavior. Do you feel that other generations role models acted this way or are we the beginning of a new look on our figure heads?
Movies, Entertainment
In response to Aubrey's post:
I know that amazon is beginning to stream video, this will make for harder sales in the theatres, as well as for netflix. Also, blockbuster was just bought out, so now all our movie buying can happen out of store and in front of us; on the comp. I feel this takes away from the movie going scene, but also could encourage more family oriented bonding by allowing for these movies to be at your fingertips with such ease. Also, having movies at home allows for pausing and watching when you feel like it, as well as as much food as your house can hold, not as much as your wallet can afford.
Do you think people are being pushed to not go to the movies because of the extra expenses involved?
I know that amazon is beginning to stream video, this will make for harder sales in the theatres, as well as for netflix. Also, blockbuster was just bought out, so now all our movie buying can happen out of store and in front of us; on the comp. I feel this takes away from the movie going scene, but also could encourage more family oriented bonding by allowing for these movies to be at your fingertips with such ease. Also, having movies at home allows for pausing and watching when you feel like it, as well as as much food as your house can hold, not as much as your wallet can afford.
Do you think people are being pushed to not go to the movies because of the extra expenses involved?
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Leniency for Food
After talking about the 20% leniency with percentages of what we're getting out of our daily foods makes me think of what else we allow. I remember learning in one of my classes last year about milk and meat.
Milk has a puss count, a certain amount of puss is allowed to be processed through with milk. Even though the milk is pasteurized, I don't think many people would enjoy the thought that puss is being processed through for us to drink.
Another thing I learned was that meat has a hair allowance. The meat we eat is allowed to have a certain amount of hair processed through. Supposedly hair is not digestible, so why are we allowed to eat it? This I feel is a little worse than the puss count, because puss, to me, is like yogurt bacteria and we eat that with no problems. However, knowing that I am 'allowed' to eat meat makes me think. I just don't get how it's allowed, even though it's a small amount it is still a little disturbing to think about.. Ignorance is bliss.
What other allowances in food/drug are out there that people might not want to know about?
Milk has a puss count, a certain amount of puss is allowed to be processed through with milk. Even though the milk is pasteurized, I don't think many people would enjoy the thought that puss is being processed through for us to drink.
Another thing I learned was that meat has a hair allowance. The meat we eat is allowed to have a certain amount of hair processed through. Supposedly hair is not digestible, so why are we allowed to eat it? This I feel is a little worse than the puss count, because puss, to me, is like yogurt bacteria and we eat that with no problems. However, knowing that I am 'allowed' to eat meat makes me think. I just don't get how it's allowed, even though it's a small amount it is still a little disturbing to think about.. Ignorance is bliss.
What other allowances in food/drug are out there that people might not want to know about?
In response to Paige's "Self-Marketing"
I agree that people lately have had to do crazier things in order to get noticed. Seeing the outfits that Lady Gaga wears on the regular makes me feel like I'm watching Bam Margera and the Jackass crew or Ali Boulala (professional skateboarder). These groups dressed and did ridiculius things to get noticed and make a name for themselves. I feel that they had some more talent than Lady Gaga though. Maybe not "Jackass," because they just end up hurting themselves and acting like buffoons. But we see the self-marketing in other sports as well. Terrell Owens and his many celebrations, same with Chad Ocho-Cinco.
Looking back, Larry Bird never did anything crazy to get his name out there. He just played like a champion every night. He talked a lot of trash during the game, but once the game was over, he was just a "regular guy" with a dream job. A different story, Dennis Rodman, different hair every game, crazy antics; kicking a camera man for being in his way as his fell out-of-bounds in a game, and an inside fire that could possibly burn you if you came to close. Dennis Rodman was just crazy and that was his marketing strategy.
What crazy marketing strategy will be brought about for the next "star?"
Looking back, Larry Bird never did anything crazy to get his name out there. He just played like a champion every night. He talked a lot of trash during the game, but once the game was over, he was just a "regular guy" with a dream job. A different story, Dennis Rodman, different hair every game, crazy antics; kicking a camera man for being in his way as his fell out-of-bounds in a game, and an inside fire that could possibly burn you if you came to close. Dennis Rodman was just crazy and that was his marketing strategy.
What crazy marketing strategy will be brought about for the next "star?"
Monday, February 7, 2011
Advertisements; Past and Present
While watching the super bowl, and waiting for the commercials to start, I began to think about how people from earlier generations viewed some of our ideas on advertisement(s). A lot of the advertisements we saw involved humor and sex. I feel that this connects with most of the 21st century but for our parents/grandparents, I think they might feel overwhelmed or disrespected by the way we bring advertisements across. Most of the older advertisements I've seen in store shop windows gave you the name, price, and a picture. Now we feel the need to drag out the meaning of the product and sometimes even make the advertisement go without any reference to what the product will actually do. Our ways of getting points across seem to have changed, but I can not say anything against these methods because they seem to work...
All I wonder is, what will be the new big hit in advertisement after the "sex sells" campaign is washed away?
All I wonder is, what will be the new big hit in advertisement after the "sex sells" campaign is washed away?
In response to Kristen's Blog: Telecommunication and Ordering
I agree that with the new developments in technology we are moving at such a rapid speed that maybe we aren't looking into all of the possibilities of certain actions. Every time a new phone comes out, they always seem to have some new problem with it. Why can't we have the phone the right way in the beginning, the testing audiences should be focused on more than just the sales. How do we know that orders made from phones are not being received by a third party.
The internet is insecure as we know it today, so what's to say that our phones are more secure?
The internet is insecure as we know it today, so what's to say that our phones are more secure?
Thursday, February 3, 2011
People can apply marketing principles (such as the marketing mix) to getting a job. If the person looking for a job is the "product," describe the other four P's and some of their related elements (or sub-variables).
In the marketing world, knowing your factors in a new/old market is most important. People know that with marketing, the customer is most important. The four P's; product, price, promotion and price show the four subcategories we use to break down our "marketing mix." Putting these into qualities we possess for a job is simple.
Product: What is being produced for the consumer, by the company. How are we built as a person? Are we confident, shy, competitive, etc. What comes with us when we arrive at our new job (options)? Do we have emotional attachments that could bring us down? How long will the person last? The product is us; the worker. How does our company package us and use us to properly get what they want out of the marketing world?
Pricing: Is the worker being pushed to hard for too little? Will they respond is better actions are not taken? Are you willing to work for less with a small possibility of a promotion or will you leave when the chance of a better opportunity presents itself? How much pay will you take by the time you leave? Will the amount that you receive in payment cover the amount of work you've supplied the company with? With price in the marketing sense of a person, we see that it really changes to "cost," what is the cost of this worker to the company?
Place: Where all the 'action' happens. How does this place feel to work at, how are the conditions and other employees? How is the drive there? What are the cost to owning this particular piece of real estate/land? The place provides a possible social atmosphere and working conditions. How these are treated and upheld is the question.
Promotion: This is important to many workers because rewards go a long way. If all someone gets is a good job with no monetary compensation, then what's going to make them work harder. In a real job, everyone wants more money, easier tasks or both. How are you advertising yourself; are you clean, hygienic, and respectful? Do you do your work to the best of your ability and present it to those who need to the information with class?
All of the P's can effect each other fully in view of a person looking for a job. Price can cause the product to seem appealing or unappealing depending on the market, is can cause upgrades in the place so that new technologies are brought in, and promotion because someone receiving little pay may work harder for that extra $100,000 if its possible.
Product: What is being produced for the consumer, by the company. How are we built as a person? Are we confident, shy, competitive, etc. What comes with us when we arrive at our new job (options)? Do we have emotional attachments that could bring us down? How long will the person last? The product is us; the worker. How does our company package us and use us to properly get what they want out of the marketing world?
Pricing: Is the worker being pushed to hard for too little? Will they respond is better actions are not taken? Are you willing to work for less with a small possibility of a promotion or will you leave when the chance of a better opportunity presents itself? How much pay will you take by the time you leave? Will the amount that you receive in payment cover the amount of work you've supplied the company with? With price in the marketing sense of a person, we see that it really changes to "cost," what is the cost of this worker to the company?
Place: Where all the 'action' happens. How does this place feel to work at, how are the conditions and other employees? How is the drive there? What are the cost to owning this particular piece of real estate/land? The place provides a possible social atmosphere and working conditions. How these are treated and upheld is the question.
Promotion: This is important to many workers because rewards go a long way. If all someone gets is a good job with no monetary compensation, then what's going to make them work harder. In a real job, everyone wants more money, easier tasks or both. How are you advertising yourself; are you clean, hygienic, and respectful? Do you do your work to the best of your ability and present it to those who need to the information with class?
All of the P's can effect each other fully in view of a person looking for a job. Price can cause the product to seem appealing or unappealing depending on the market, is can cause upgrades in the place so that new technologies are brought in, and promotion because someone receiving little pay may work harder for that extra $100,000 if its possible.
Monday, January 24, 2011
What is the difference between marketing, advertising, and propaganda?
Marketing is the process of creating a product and selling it to the public, through advertisements and word of mouth (ex. selling new dorito's chips during the superbowl commercial times). Advertising is how you sell a product, whether it be bashing another similar product (ex. honda cars comparison to toyota cars; gas milage and passenger capacity) or just getting it on tv for people to see. Propaganda is how you persuade a person or group to make a decision on certain topics (ex. our coach brought in new balance, adidas, and nike reps to show us the gear we could wear for the season; sweats, travel gear, shoes, jersey's, etc.) We decided as a group after being told and show what we could have.
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